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Promotions and ranks

Hello everyone. Kisake here. Just wanting to talk a bit about the promotions that happen every week, and why people get them.

As you know, you see me promoting people about every Friday or Saturday. This is the promotion day. Throughout the week everyone is watched, not to be a creeper but to see who is doing what in the guild and who is deserving of a promotion. The number one way to get a promotion is joining our Facebook page and/or Teamspeak channel. Those are not required. Although we do require Teamspeak for raiding purposes if you are going to be raiding with us.

Additional to getting that promotion, if you are with us for a week you get promoted once. After you get that initial promotion it's anyone's game. We monitor what you're doing and what you say and take that into account to receive additional promotions in the future.

There is a probation period of two weeks until you are able to use the Guild bank. You are able to deposit anything into the bank but you cannot use the bank until you are rank Knight and above. We do this for security purposes.

There are 3 Officer ranks. Seer, Crusader, and Ninja.

Seer is the beginning officer rank. As a Seer you are there to monitor for the council. You take names down of the people who are doing things good for the guild and guiding along the way. As an beginer officer it is crucial to prove that you are able to take on the responsibility. We are watching you.

Crusader is the intermediate officer rank. If you are at this rank it's because you have proven that you are capable of being responsible. As a Crusader you monitor the guild as well. Give out warnings to those that are not following the rules. You are not allowed to kick other guildmates but you can report to higher up, letting them know that Sally is being inappropriate and needs to be talked to.

Ninja is the Expert officer rank. As a Ninja you are at the top of your officer ranks. You have shown us that you are capable of all the things we are capable of, but you don't have all our magical abilities. As Ninja you are able to do more things freely. Still not a councilmember, but you are there to make sure the guild is run smoothly in our absence. If you notice that there is not a council member on and there is a situation in the guild that needs immediate attention, by all means handle it and tell us later. We rather lose one person over something stupid than twenty.

Then you have the Hidden Leaf Council. This council consists of eleven members. All of us are on the council for different reasons. We all do different things and we all have different personalities. All of us are on the same page as well. If a council member does something it's for a reason and we fully understand. Most everything is done by vote. So if you see random promotions before the promotion date it's because the council has discussed something and it needs to be done. The council has a few requirements. Teamspeak, you have to be 18 or older, and you have to be a level 60. (There are a couple special cases).

We are not always looking for people to put on the council but we would like to tell everyone to work hard and do things for the guild as well, and a promotion could be waiting for you. So don't get discouraged if you don't get promotions right away.

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